Privacy & Confidentiality
We want you to feel safe whilst visiting our website and to know we are committed to protecting your privacy, part of treating patients with respect.
The only personal data collected is via a secure contact form on the website, or email links. None of the information gathered is made available to third parties, except for medical reasons, or as required by law.
The same would incidentally apply to direct emails, or telephone calls. Auld Orthopaedics has an ethical belief in your right to privacy, the practice of sharing information for commercial reasons is not one we would follow.
Our practice also aims to meet professional guidelines and legal requirements. These include requirements set by the Information Commissioner, by professional bodies and the UK's Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
Regulation & Your Rights
The DPA 2018 increased protection and implements EU wide, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This gives people more control over how personal data is used, along with greater fairness and transparency.
The focus of regulation is on complex data gathering organisations, personal profiling and consent. Whilst we only gather data as part of an open, medical process, keeping in line with regulation still makes sense.
The data controller for information collected via this website is Jason Auld, who is also the information governance lead. He is our senior staff member, based at Three Shires Hospital, The Avenue, Northampton NN1 5DR.
Our lawful basis for processing your data is legitimate interest in meeting client requests, where potential clients freely provided their data. This is retained as long as needed and may be kept on record for future care.
You should be aware of your rights under GDPR:
- To know what information is collected and how – In this case supplied by you, via a form, or direct email.
- To understand how your data will be used – Our practice only uses your personal data for medical reasons.
- To access your data and have this corrected, or deleted – We are happy to comply within the month allowed.
- To know if your data will be shared – Other than internally, we may share data with medical services.
- To be aware of unknown, or untoward effects – More applicable to social, or ads, we knowingly cause no ill effect.
- Not to be subject to automated decision making, or profiling – Again, more ad, or social network related.
If you have any queries on compliance, please contact us. You also at any time have a right to raise concerns with the Information Commissioner (ICO) about the way your data is being managed.
Personal Data Policy
Beyond legislation, a key aspect of protecting personal information is understanding why you are collecting this and identifying what is necessary:
- Before, or at the time of collecting information, we identify the purposes of collection.
- Information will be collected solely to fulfil these purposes, or for related objectives.
- We only retain information as long as necessary, for the fulfillment of these purposes.
- Every effort is made to ensure data remains relevant, accurate, complete and up to date.
- Data is protected by reasonable security safeguards, against loss, or unwanted access.
- Data is collected by lawful, fair means and where possible, with personal consent given.
This approach fits with legislation and our belief that your data is your property, to be used for purposes you would accept.
The categories of data we process are:
- Personal data for the purposes of staff and self employed team member management.
- Personal data for contact, or marketing by mail, email, text, or other established routes.
- Special category data including health records to assist in the delivery of health care.
- Special category data including health records and CRB checks for our team members.
If you are a patient of the practice, or simply a known contact, you have the right to withdraw consent for us to process personal data. This includes notifications, newsletters, surveys, or marketing of any form.
Website Cookies
We do not use cookies on this website, not even to record anonymous data. Website management is achieved through analysing server stats.
This allows all patients and other visitors to be on an equal footing, regardless of corporate firewalls, or their personal choice on cookies. Our website is still run to focus on useful information, without need for personal intrusion.
Comments & Complaints
Auld Orthopaedics website is professionally built and maintained with security in mind. Above all, we simply want you to be assured that we appreciate the need for every medical facility to protect information.
On both personal and information privacy, any comments, or concerns you have are welcome. Please get in touch with us by email and we will respond promptly, as we would to a patient concern of any nature.
Our privacy policy is reviewed from time to time. Should any changes occur relevant to online activity, details will be posted on this website.
Getting Back To Your Life

Each aspect of your care is focused on a return to normality as soon as possible. With modern surgical techniques, hospital stays are reduced and time is saved on all forms of treatment: