Three Shires Hospital is our chosen treatment centre and one where Covid protection goes beyond requirements.
The government has changed their approach within society, to rely on individual responsibility. They also remind everyone that Coronavirus is still a significant health risk and people should remain cautious.
Medical facilities have a duty to do so, to protect patients and staff. Testing can be a valuable aid, the use of face coverings should remain in place, along with infection control and good hand hygiene.
High levels of protection allow vital medical care to continue and patients to feel safe, in a Covid secure environment.
Practical Care
Consultation via secure video link is naturally Covid free and available to patients at varying stages of treatment. Supporting your right to choose a face to face consultation is still important and can be safely achieved.
- Alongside staff, visitors are required to wear a mask unless they are exempt.
- They are also asked to use hand sanitiser and to allow a temperature check.
- Visiting, or accompanying patients may be limited and needs prior approval.
- Infection control has always mattered at Three Shires and has been stepped up.
- Appointment times & internal movement are being managed to reduce contact.
Maintaining social distancing remains critical in a medical setting, as does symptom awareness. Any patient, or staff member who has symptoms of COVID-19, or has tested postive should not attend until clear of infection.
Ongoing Protection
That our hospital is going the extra mile is good news and Auld Orthopaedics take the same stance. Every thought is given to safety at your consultancy appointments and where required, during in patient treatment.
You may notice extra use of PPE, or your private room being cleaned more thoroughly, extra time and space given to each action. Preventing coronavirus infection requires careful planning for each event.
Patients contribute, with testing and self isolation prior to admittance, or by limiting visitors. These can be an extra load at a stressful time, although your consultant will offer support and they are a way of assisting all patients.
Patients and staff members are grateful for your support in maintaining Covid-19 controls, to help all of us keep safe and well.
Patient Safety Is Our Priority

Achieving the outcome you want is important and leads our planning on treatment. The first duty of a physician should still be to consider safety at all times, as can be seen in Auld Orthopeadics: